Get to Know Us Closely.
NarDC Founded in 2020, NARDATABANK BİLİŞİM VE TEKNOLOJİ A.Ş. It is the first brand of the company.
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To public institutions and companies; We provide services to our customers at the most affordable costs by evaluating the demands received by us as soon as possible or by producing solutions with our teammates who have high experience and experience in the sector for many years. Together with our teammates, we provide fast service on a 24/7 basis.

Due to the globalization of trade in the digitalizing world, we aim to make NarDC a world brand by competing with world brands with the quality services we will provide to our customers. with the NarDC brand, NARDATABANK A.Ş. its power and capital is 100% national and local. It is borrowed from NAR MANAGEMENT COOPERATIVE.